The relativistic covariance of the conservation laws of momentum and energy in collision 碰撞中动量守恒定律和能量守恒定律的相对论协变性
According to the principle of relativistic covariance, this paper presents the relativistic covariant equation of current density. 介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。从相对论协变性原理出发,得到了电流密度方程满足相对论协变性的自洽展开式。
Spin and Relativistic Covariance& An Investigation of the Essence of the Spin 自旋与相对论协变性&关于自旋本质的讨论
It is shown that electric field, potential difference, Hall effect and sandwich of charge density exist in this layer, which originate from the measurable effect of potential field limited by relativistic covariance. 得出在超导体界面层电场、电势差、Hall效应及电荷密度三明治式层叠结构的存在,是源于满足相对论协变性要求的势场可观测效应。